Is it Luck?

A while back I decided it was time to build up a nice bike that I could be proud to ride, you know… something nice from the ground up.  I started getting everything together.  I got my wheelset built through the guys at Velomine.  By the way, Ben at Velomine was a pleasure to deal with…  Anyhow, I then started getting everything else together.  Cinelli stem, Murphy seat post, origin8 this, origin8 that, KMC chain and so on.  I had a color scheme in mind and wanted the bike to look mean.  I was painting some chainrings for it and other odds and ends.  I basically got all nice/decent parts and ended up skimped on the frame (which i know was retarded).  I got some jap knockoff of a Leader frame and I definitely  got what I paid for.  It looked tight and was not total shit but I also wanted this bike to be my main bike so it just dident cut it.  So this whole time Id been looking at builders (which I never thought Id have the cash for) and other nice frames from companies like the Cinelli, Leader, Masi, and whatever else.  I came across Spicer Cycles through some google searches and loved what he was doing.  Ive always wanted a pursuit frame but was never able to get them at a decent price.  I also wanted a steel frame so bad.  I gave up in my searching for a bit and just dealt with the old frame. One day I went back to Spicer and I ended up getting lucky.  He had a clearance frame that just so happened to be my exact size, the exact style I wanted and was even a color red that was perfect, not to mention it was steel.  It was on sale all because of some small powder coat issues which I could give a shit about.  I got a hell of a deal but to be honest his prices are great to begin with.  I gotta say his quality is outstanding and service was even better.  Im just about done building it up and cant wait to put a shit load of miles on it…  steel pursuit

I love this frame.


It seems most people in the “fixed gear” world enjoy “looking” at their bike just as much as they enjoy riding it, myself included.  I also think colors should match and compliment.  Sometimes thats hard to do on little details.  Alot of fixed bikes are colorful and well thought out and some companies help in making colorful components. Hell, look at Origin8, they make just about everything colorful and its awesome.  Anyways, PORKCHOPBMX is an awesome site to get cool colorful components for your bike too.  Its a BMX site that sells very awesome BMX parts but I have used stuff from them on my fixed..  It has just about everything you will need and the guy Justin that runs it is also a very nice dude and his prices are outstanding.  Dude ships out fast and its always quality.  I know Im not a BMXer anymore but break cable housing is needed on any kind of bike and i think its little details like that that can and will make your bicycle stand out.  Im really just riding fixed but like I said, shits gotta match and I like color.  Even if you just got to him for break cable housing (which is mostly what I have got from him along with some other small break parts) you’ll be happy.  I have had more people ask about the brake cable housing on my bike than anything else.  I could have went with black and it would have matched perfectly but, look at this RAD checkered housing…

PorkChopBMX makes me wanna get back on a BMX even tho its been like 17 years or so and I sure as shit don’t feel invincible anymore.  I guess I have been asked so many times where I got that black and yellow housing (as well as the hot pink) that I figured a blog about it was a good idea.  Also like I said, PorkChopBMX is so awesome to deal with that I want to send as many people his way that I can…

There is also a lot of cool grips on his site.  Anyhow, check him out when and if you can…

(Im not a sponsor, I just think you should support PorkChopBMX)


So I found some framesets from an italian builder, Legor Cicli.  This dude kills it.  His frames, in my opinion look unbelievable.  I know there are a lot of builders out there but god damn, I really like what he is doing.  I kinda wish his site made sense to me but seeing as I can read just as much italian as I can speak which is none, Im left just looking.  Anyhow, if my info is incorrect, oh well, they are still nice frames to look at… Enjoy!

I Love this built up…

There are some other really cool frames on his Facebook page but Im unable to steal those…



So I gotta say Im a huge fan of these LDG Pursuit frame sets.   Duel 700c makes these just aggressive enough and I love that they are steel.

track fixed gear

When built up they don’t look too “funny”.  Ill bet they are pretty comphy to ride and I must say they look real tight.  LDG Pursiut

Im digging this Masi Pursuit I came across.  I prefer a curved top tube a little more but hell, id take it…

That shit just looks mean…


I came across this frameset the other day on ebay.  I don’t know about you but this thing is real tight.  I dig the shit out of it.  It doesn’t hurt that Colnago makes some quality stuff either


Id love to see this built up and i really wouldn’t mind riding it (or even owning it for that matter).  Im not sure if Id go wild with colors, pick one nice bright complementary color or just solid white for all the components.  Either way it would be nice to have, hell I enjoy just looking at it.

Im usually not a geared bike kind of dude but I also found this on ebay and thought I should share…

This bike looks so awesome and fast.  I kinda wish there were better or even more photos of it…

The Nightmare That Is Changing Tires…

Im not sure if any of you other bike nerds out there hate the process of changing tires/tubes.  Id have to say that every time I have to do so I usually get angry and want to smash my bikes, give up riding forever and throw them all in the dumpster.  I love building up my bikes and having a project but tires are a effing nightmare.  I hate it so much.  I sweat, grit my teeth, cuss like a goddamn sailor but for some reason im always changing the color or brand or whatev…  Recently I have been building up a new bike (which will soon have a post all its own) and I wanted black tires on it (cause Im a nerd and i want them to match the color scheme Im going with) but i was dreading changing tires .  I had yellow tires on my old not so good frame and yellow just wasn’t gonna cut it.  My new frame is red and those yellow tires just made me think of  Golden Arches and 2 apple pies for a dollar.   Anyhow,  I got a pair of black Fyxation 700x23c’s and holy shit are they awesome.  I recommend them to anyone on a fixed/single speed/track bike that does mostly “city” riding.   These tires are so tight.  They are a total breeze to put on and feel awesome when riding (not to mention they also look tight and if your like me thats a plus).  I really want to stress the fact that they go on soooo easy and smooth.  My finger tips didn’t hurt at all and I didn’t drop a single f-bomb while putting them on my wheels.  They are not too expensive either at about $100 for a set.  Needless to say with these tires now on my bike, fixing a flat is no longer a nightmare but just say a “not so bad dream”…